Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sherlock Holmes Interviews Kim Krisco – Part 2

Mr. Sherlock Holmes conducts a three part interview with Sherlock Holmes author Kim Krisco, who has just released Sherlock Holmes – The Golden Years.  This is part two.

Holmes:            Philip K. Jones, a noted Sherlockian scholar, in a recent review, said that your collection . . . I quote: “is one of the finest sets of Sherlockian fiction I have seen.  The author has a good grasp of Nineteenth Century British politics and thought . . .” How were you able to accomplish this . . . especially given you are an American?

Krisco:            The same way you are able to meet and overcome challenges – relentless dedication, hard work, the required confidence to seek help when I need it. I read all your stories of course . . . indeed all of Conan Doyle’s works to better capture his style and voice. I did meticulous and deep research in libraries, the internet and, as I noted earlier, on site visits. Also, as I began writing, I engaged a “special editor” to help me – a fellow named Joe Revill in the UK. His job was, primarily, to help me with my language. He assisted in other areas as well, but he helped me write and think like a Brit – a one hundred year old Brit at that.

Holmes:            All well and good. You do seem to be giving due diligence to your craft and “The Canon,” as it is called. And, I must give you even more credit for the stories themselves. I was challenged and exhilarated by all the adventures you created for me – although I came much to close to death in a couple of them. The Cure the Kills . . . The Kongo Nkisi Spirit Train, among others, allowed me to exercise my singular skills to the maximum.

Krisco:            Yes my stories brought you to the mountains of Scotland, racing across America, and trekking into the jungles of the Belgian Congo. You also “shared the stage” with some turn-of-the-century celebrities: G.K. Chesterton, Leander Starr Jameson, Emmeline Pankhurst, Harry Houdini, and President Theodore Roosevelt, to name a few.

Holmes:            Yes, I will admit that I found the circumstances you put me in both exciting and harrowing . . . including my reunion with “the woman.”

Krisco:            Thank you. Yes, I wanted to create a rich “reader experience.”  I did this in a number of ways:  I created detailed historical backgrounds, but I also introduced a bit more action and suspense than one might find in a typical short story from the Doyle canon.

Holmes: Well sir, with that I think part two of our interview is at an end.

Krisco: But, not your stories. They are just beginning in Sherlock Holmes – The Golden Years. (Available everywhere.)

End of Part 2

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